Cloud Content Collaboration
Popularity represents the overall data trends about the volume of ratings of products in the Cloud Content Collaboration space. While our popularity page does not discuss user satisfaction, product affordability, competition dynamics, or language support - we will have sections for those subjects as well.
Overall Popularity
Cloud Content Collaboration is at the moment the 2nd most popular product category according to our figures with 18,390 reviews last year. It has held this slot for the last 4 years in a row. Year over year, Cloud Content Collaboration's popularity rose by 7,662 ratings. It reached its top popularity ranking in 2017 coming in 1st place with 10,012 customer reviews. As far back as our data goes, Cloud Content Collaboration has amassed 99,591 total ratings. Ranking as the 2nd most reviewed category globally, Cloud Content Collaboration is an extremely popular category and has resided in the top ten since at least 2016.
A Tale as Old as Time
The oldest Cloud Content Collaboration product on our list is Dropbox with its first known review appearing in 2012. The newest Cloud Content Collaboration product on our list is Amazon Drive with its first tracked review breaking in 2019.
Popularity by Country and Region
The United States uses Cloud Content Collaboration software products at higher numbers than any other nation and has 61,151 ratings. The United States is trailed by India, Canada, Venezuela, and the United Kingdom with an overall average of 4,345 reviews. Over this last year Cloud Content Collaboration category gained popularity in the United States to become the nation's 2nd most reviewed software category in the last year. The most regularly used Cloud Content Collaboration products are Google Workspace with 40,701 customer reviews, Dropbox with 22,151 reviews, and Microsoft OneDrive for Business with 12,715 customer reviews.
Popularity by Business Size
Many firms using Cloud Content Collaboration tech are small businesses, making up 46% of all clients. They are followed by medium business customers (31%), and lastly, large business clients (22%). The adoption of Cloud Content Collaboration software for small businesses appears to be thriving currently, growing by 106% in the past year. Cloud Content Collaboration software for large businesses have experienced growth as well, growing by 34% over the last year.
Titans of Industry
The top industries for Cloud Content Collaboration are information technology and services, education management, computer software, marketing and advertising, and higher education.
Most popular
used by
Information Technology and Services
Products offering
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entry price
product age
7 years
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